The SAB monitors the progress of the project, advises the SB and the Consortium on issues of general scientific and managerial policy. The SAB represent the interest of the wider volcanological community and its stakeholders in others sectors of society not covered by the Consortium. The SAB members will be three internationally renowned scientific experts from volcanology, volcano monitoring and volcanic hazard management. Appointment of the board members will be at month 3 of the project, marked by milestone M3. The board will meet three times, before the General Assembly meetings and once for a mid-term evaluation of the project. The mid-term review report from the SAB will be marked by milestone M4.
The management of the TA and VA will be excellence-driven, according the procedure detailed in Section 1.3. The core of the management will be a panel of international experts that will have the twofold aim of reviewing the TA proposals and to support the assessment of VA services. The International Scientific Review Panel (ISRP) will be built by three international experts, independent from the project consortium, having three different skills that correspond to the focus of the EUROVOLC access activities: i) management of Volcano Observatories, monitoring systems and volcanic crisis; ii) Academia, laboratories and Volcanological Research Institutions; iii) computational volcanology. The process of the selection and appointment of the experts will be finished by month 6 (MS5). The completion of the 1 st assessment of VA services is scheduled at month 12 (MS7) and the selection of 1 st and 2 nd TA proposals based on ISRP evaluations is scheduled at months 12 and 24 respectively (MS46, MS47).