Early identification of signs that magma is moving towards the surface, timing of eruption onset, possible transitions in eruptive style, and eruption end are all key for hazard monitoring and management. Volcano observatories carry out real-time monitoring of seismic, deformation and volatile emissions, which in the long term, can indicate charging of a magmatic system, and in the short term can track migration of magma toward the surface prior to eruption. Petrological data also provides valuable insights into sub-surface processes.

This theme will investigate integrated and automated modelling approaches for interpreting monitoring data (including petrological) together in near-real time to gain a better understanding of the sub-surface processes.

The Sub-surface processes theme is centred around research and collaboration on the following main topics:

  1. Rock-magma interaction: geophysical, geochemical and petrological signals of magma migration, chemical interaction between magma and surrounding rock
  1. Multidisciplinary assimilation of data: detection and understanding of the magmatic plumbing system through the combination of geophysical, geochemical and petrological data

Sub-surface processes activities involve:

  • Networking volcano geophysical and geochemical observations of sub-surface processes (seismic, geodetic, magnetic, electrical, direct observational data, photos videos and rock sample sets, geochemical, petrological, and experimental as well as GPS geodesy and levelling, in relation to unrest and eruptions)
  • Workshop on multidisciplinary collaboration and integration
  • Initiating access to multidisciplinary observations from the Krafla Volcano Laboratory
  • Volcano pre-eruptive detection schemes (development of automatic algorithms for correlating real-time analysis and seismic and infrasound signals)
  • Integrated modelling of pre-eruption data
  • Integration of petrological and real-time monitoring data
  • Physical and virtual access to research infrastructures and tools including the virtual diffusion modelling centre, seismic full wavefield modelling tools and remote sensing and numerical models and simulations

The sub-surface processes theme is primarily the subject of the following Work Packages:


  • Networking volcano geophysical and geochemical observations of sub-surface processes
  • Workshop on multidisciplinary collaboration and integration
  • Initiating access to multidisciplinary observations from the Krafla Volcano Laboratory
  • Volcano pre-eruptive detection schemes
  • Integrated modelling of pre-eruption data
  • Integration of petrological and real-time monitoring data
Transnational Accesses
  • Access to the Icelandic Volcano Observatory
  • Access to University of Iceland
  • Access to the Italian Volcano Observatories and Research Institutions
  • Access to Azores Volcano Observatory
  • Access to Guadeloupe, Martinique and Piton del la Fournaise Volcano Observatories
  • Access to the Volcano Dynamics Computational Centre
  • Physical access to on-site modelling resources and to hazard assessment tools
Virtual Accesses
  • Virtual Access to EPOS VO-TCS
  • Access to virtual diffusion modelling centre
  • Access to seismic full wavefield modelling tools
  • Virtual access to remote sensing and numerical models and simulations
  • Access to the Volcano Dynamics Computational Centre