Access to the Icelandic Volcano Observatory (IVO). (Themes 2-4) Access provided for scientist to carry out volcanological field experiments at Icelandic volcanoes. Iceland is located on the Mid-Atlantic ridge and has over 30 active volcanoes with a great range of volcanic and eruptive styles.
Access to FUTUREVOLC mobile grain size laboratory and ash detection units. (Theme 2) During Futurevolc a state of the art ash detection laboratory was set up. The lab is mobile and thus can be deployed anywhere in Iceland. Access will be given to use of the mobile lab.
Access to the Italian Volcano Observatories and Research Institutions. (Themes 2-4) Access provided to 3 Italian to Italian volcano observatories, Etna Volcano Observatory – OE, INGV Palermo branch – PA, Vesuvius Observatory – OV.
Access to Azores Volcano Observatory. (Themes 2-4) Access to the Research Infrastructure is provided for fieldwork and experiments.
Access to Guadeloupe, Martinique and Piton del la Furnaise Volcano Observatories. (Themes 2-4) Access provided for scientist to carry out volcanological field experiments at the volcanoes.
Physical access to on-site modelling resources. (Themes 2-4) Open access is provided to some of the most sophisticated computational resources worldwide, for a number of selected scientists of any provenance who wish to apply such complex resources for their scientific objectives.
Access to EPOS VO-TCS. The VO-TCS (Volcano Observations Thematic Core Service) which is going to be implemented in the EPOS-IP project. It will be the gateway to provide access to the EPOS data and data products, as well as to those produced during the EUROVOLC project.
Virtual access to seismic simulations. (Theme 2) Seismic simulations in a volcanic environment; Access will be provided to full wavefield modelling tools (Elastic Lattice Methods (ELM) /FD/SE).
Virtual access to multidisciplinary magma ascent models. (Theme 2-3). Recent developments in numerical modelling of magma ascent within the ERC project CO 2 Volc permit the integration of fluid dynamics, petrology and magmatic gas emissions into a single unified numerical framework. This VA will give virtual access to this model, allowing the wider community to apply the model in a user-friendly fashion to their research and eruption monitoring challenges.
Virtual access to satellite-image derived SO2 flux time series. (Theme 2). This VA will allow real-time automated algorithms to produce and publish SO2 flux time series for the wider scientific community during volcanic eruptions.
Access to the Volcano Dynamics Computational Centre. (Themes 2-4) Providing access to supporting models of magma dynamics, lava flows and volcanic plumes; the VAMod allow modelling magma ascents, pyroclastic flows and CO2 solubility in magma.