Description of work

Collaboration and networking between VOs and VRIs {NA1.1}, with focussed workshops to address the main challenges of the volcanological community and create synergy and exchange of technological and scientific expertise between the observatories and research institutions. Emphasis will be on defining the EUROVOLC standard of best practices, including standards for technologies, data and monitoring systems, and on knowledge transfer from previous research and infrastructure projects, like FUTUREVOLC MED-SUV, and EPOS, as well as connecting the European volcanological community with other related communities and international i nitiatives.

Training {NA1.2}, with summer schools for young European scientists in Italy and Iceland, involving science from the JRAs, and demonstrations of active volcanological processes to give the fellows hands on experience in volcano monitoring, hazard assessment and crisis management.

Outreach {NA1.3}. Organizing activities in local schools and communities to raise the public and authorities’ awareness of volcanic hazards in the surrounding areas.  Collaboration with international initiatives {NA1.4}, and organization of Working Groups to link the EUROVOLC activities with working groups of international initiatives, such as IAVCEI, WoVo, GVM, WMO, KMDP and Space Agencies (e.g., ESA).

Dissemination of results and educational material {NA1.5} through the web; social media (twitter, Facebook); preparation of educational videos, documentaries etc. for upload on YouTube; Special sessions in main scientific international conferences and presentations at Civil Protection meetings.



Below are the products of an ongoing work showing results from the outreach resources:

Outcome from the local focus group activity

Survey of outreach tools