Description of work
A complete European Catalogue of European Volcanoes (ECV) and related volcanic hazards, and guidelines for a Volcano Monitoring Status level system (EVMS) {JR4.1}. All active volcanoes in Europe will be listed in a coherent framework where the threatening urban areas, critical infrastructures and/or aviation routes and airports will be identified. The set-up will mirror the existing on-line Catalogue of Icelandic Volcanoes. Most- likely eruptive scenarios will be compiled, based on field and geophysical observations and characterized based on probability density functions. Dedicated probabilistic multi-hazard assessments will be compiled accounting for the whole spectrum of potential hazards. General criteria for standard monitoring systems will be defined to develop a preliminary draft for a harmonized system of monitoring levels of European volcanoes. The draft will be harmonized with best practice standards defined in Community building Activities.
Development of tools for hazard assessment and risk management {JR4.2}. (1) Expanding on the work of previous projects: Utilizing the modelling portal of the VO TCS in EPOS to bring in the products from the EU -H2020 VeTools project, which focussed on promoting an integrated software platform to assess and manage volcanic risk and definition of BET for medium and short-term hazard estimation and FP7 Project – ENSURE, which is aimed at the definition of vulnerability matrices that would be further implemented; (2) Citizen science – Development or adaptation of smartphone apps for multihazards and reporting e.g. ash fall, plume height/shape, sulphur smell. (3) Definition of table-top exercises for training people on how to manage a volcanic crisis.
Materials and reports
Catalogue of pre-existing volcanic hazard assessment tools (D12.1)
This deliverable consists of an on-line searchable catalogue of pre-existing volcanic hazard assessment tools.
The catalogue can be searched according to different tool category. For each tool, the catalog provides (where available):
- Link to WEBSITE
- List of related PAPERS
- Type of HAZARD
- Info on whether it if FREE DOWNLOADABLE or ON REQUEST
- Info on whether it is ONLINE RUNNABLE
Reconnaissance survey of citizen science in volcanology (MS26)
This milestone lists all the currently existing examples of citizen science in volcanology worldwide. For each example, the list displays (where available):
- Name
- Lead institution running the tool
- Period of operation
- Link to the website
- Primary hazard recorded
- Whether it is an app, a webpage or an online questionnaire (or a combination of these)
- OS
- Language (English, Spanish …)
- Whether it has an open-access storage of the collected information
- Short description of the tool, of its input and output
- Background information
- Whether the tool has been reviewed, and where
- Related and/or follow-up work
- References