EUROVOLC will initiate integrating activities that will build resilient, sustained connections between the distributed and fragmented volcanological entities, foster collaboration and encourage harmonization and standardisation of data, research methodologies and products, and will develop standards for estimation and management of volcanic hazard and its communication to authorities, the public and media.
Theme 1 of EUROVOLC is centered on Community building. It is an overarching theme, whereas the other three are demonstrators of the capability of the community to impact on science and society.
Community building is primarily the subject of the following Work Packages (WP#-title-leader):
- WP2 – Collaboration and networking between VOs and VRIs, and with international initiatives – IMO
- WP3 – Training, Outreach and Dissemination – INGV
- Collaboration and networking between VOs and VRIs: meetings, workshops, including workshops with parallel Integrating Infrastructure Initiative (I3) projects.
- Training activity (e.g. summer schools involving science from the JRIs).
- Visiting scientists among Observatories and laboratories.
- Engagement of stakeholders: decision makers, end users and the public (Dissemination); interaction via web and social media; contact with schools, local/national authorities and non-scientific communities.
Theme 2 of EUROVOLC is centered on Volcano-Atmospheric Interaction. It’s main topics are:
- Multidisciplinary assimilation of data for volcanic ash transport models and source-term parametrization.
- Interaction of volcanic products with atmosphere; physical chemical aspects in the near field of a volcano, far-field evolution.
- Networking atmospheric gas and aerosol observations
- Consolidation of geochemical gas monitoring across VOs
- Connecting the volcanological community with Volcanic Ash Advisory Centres
Theme 3 of EUROVOLC is centered on Sub-surface Processes. It’s main topics are:
- Rock-magma interaction: physical and chemical signals from magma migration; chemical interaction.
- Multidisciplinary assimilation of data. Magma Chamber. Physics and Chemistry.
- Networking volcano geophysical and geochemical observations of sub-surface processes
- Workshop on multidisciplinary collaboration and integration
- Initiating access to multidisciplinary observations from the Krafla Volcano Laboratory
Theme 4 of EUROVOLC is centered on Volcanic Crisis Preparedness and Risk Management. It’s main topics are:
- Identification of hazard scenarios, multi-hazard assessments, and pre-event impact assessments.
- New strategies to facilitate: sharing and promotion of best practices; communication between scientists and society (including decision-makers, population and media).
- Task force: establishment of a European expert team of back-up scientists and infrastructure.
- Collaboration between volcano monitoring institutions and European Civil Protection agencies for management of volcanic hazard